Learn the new tax legislation, learn how to lower taxes and increase revenues at the same time. January 10, 2018 – learn more Join dental expert Kevin Henry in an interview with the founder and president of Only For Dentists, Bassim Michael, CPA, CVA, MS, on how to grow your revenue in 2018. We will discuss […]
Speaking Engagements
Bassim Michael to Present on Dental Practice Exit Strategies at Fresno-Madera Dental Society Meeting
Only for Dentists Principal, Bassim Michael, CPA, MS Tax, will present information on dental practice exit strategies and tax planning at the upcoming Fresno-Madera Dental Society General Meeting. Bassim’s presentation, “7 Ways to Exit Your Practice in Style & Save on Taxes,” will explain the difference in the various types of exit strategies that dental […]
Bassim Michael Will Present at the Sikka Optimization Summit 2015
Only for Dentists Principal, Bassim N. Michael Presents on Buying and Starting a Dental Practice
On June 10, 2015, Only for Dentists principal, Bassim N. Michael, CPA, MS Tax, presented at the Hilton Santa Clara on what dentists need to know when buying or starting a dental practice. This event was put on by the California Dental Association. In his presentation, Mr. Michael addressed the current economic trends in dentistry […]
“Practice Exit Strategies” Speaking Engagement
Bassim Michael, CPA recently engaged an audience at Fresno Pacific University-North Fresno Center about exit strategies for your practice. “Is it time to sail off into the sunset? If so, what do you do with your practice? Our speakers will impart their knowledge about exit strategies and financing your practice so you receive the best outcome […]